NUCUP, Zachary Josh P.


Grade 7 Section: Topaz

Previous Class Number: S12
Current Section: Rubidium

Message to a friend:


At first, I thought him to be quiet, only speaking when spoken to - I was terribly wrong.

He loves to speak out of turn and over you, speaking always, as if he doesn't need to catch his breath. He's confident - sometimes overconfident - but rightfully so. He's definitely really smart, often acing tests he's hardly reviewed for. He picks things up easily, as if he's understood them so long ago that now he's just relearning them.

He doesn't mind it when you make fun of him - he often teases you back in turn, his words entangled with a bite stronger than yours. There are times when he openly mentions himself to be better than you, but it never does sound offensive - it's always funny, the way he says it, for some reason.

While he might be hard-headed and loud and annoyingly inconsiderate, he's also a million ways a softie - he's also an endless summer day, with little to no clouds, burning too bright to see.

He's dance breaks and songs sung off-key. He's the daily "I don't care"s and the scattered "I love you"s. It's hard to imagine a class without him now that I've become his classmate for the second time. He may love to pick fights with you, but deep down, he really does love you, and will fight anyone who crosses your path.
