SANTELICES, John Patrick B.


Grade 7 Section: Jade

Previous Class Number: S18
Current Section: Potassium

Message to a friend:


It's hard to finds JP without O'Neil. They often appear as a duo, laughing and teasing each other most times, other times bowing down, whispering secrets and confidential stories. In the end, they always reach somewhat of an agreement - O'Neil's not too strict about them, though. He does let a lot of things slide, thus causing us to always look over JP as someone with a million secrets, and we'd just laugh. Because whether we know this to be true or not, we know that at one point in time, we knew nothing about him - nothing of his secrets - and now we're all open books.

He was among the last people I got to be close with. Perhaps it was due to this secretive and secluded nature - I, too, am silent, and find it hard to approach others. One day, however, we bonded over the very thing that kept us from talking to each other - one tiny, little secret. Perhaps it isn't a big deal, but ever since that day, he started feeling like just another older brother, and I felt as if my shoulders weren't so heavy anymore - like I wasn't the only one aboard this raft of responsibility and distrust. I had with me all along, even if I couldn't notice it.

He's an amazing friend, now someone I could scream at in hallways, with him screaming at me back. He's the poems you regret writing when you were too obsessed over a crush - those cringey romantic ballads you once thought were good, but now that you've read it again, you start feeling like you didn't quite use your poetic license enough. He's dramatic tweets and a series of emotional conflicts, but at the same time a cool outside facade, hiding behind glasses and silent lips.
